Several months ago, I decided I wanted to move from a dorm room-esque bed situation to something
prettier more mature. I was thinking something like
this bed from Ana White's blog.
If you were with me
back in January, you might remember that getting all the wood for this queenly project nearly outdid our poor little Civic.
I will definitely do a project review soon, but for tonight, I'm just so excited to share the pictures of this project. Yes- the lighting is awful. Yes- I'll do better later this week. However, I owe several people images of this, so here you are, my lovelies {mostly just you, roommateo!}.
You might notice that one of the pillows has a distinctly dog-ish shape to it. *sigh* This simply means that Mr. P and I are suckers. We've kept Chowder off of the bed
when we are in the room no matter what- we wanted to keep the bed a bit neater, keep Pepsi's food out of reach (it sits on the stand to the left) and... I dunno, I'm sure we had other reasons.
But look at this face.
Well... maybe not that one. How about this one?
He is so happy to be sharing the brand new fancy bed with us! Cuddle doggy, cuddle!
Well, believe me, he is excited. Very, very thrilled.
Stop back later this week to see a full project review {with better images}!
Also check out the DIY Show Off- there are a lot of great project inspirations on there!
And if you think that completing this bed finishes up 'Project Master Bedroom', then you are severely misled. We still have a reading nook, a litter-box hiding cabinet and artwork to address! To see other projects in progress, stop by
Ma Nouvelle Mode!