June 30, 2009

Happy One Month-versary!

On May 30, Mr. Pony and I made it official and said our vows. This month has flown by, but it was wonderful, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my months, years and decades with my beloved Mr. Pony!
I love the sun for days, the moon for nights and you forever. - Anonymous

*all photos by Ket Quang at Haute Foto

June 29, 2009

ABC cookies!

How cute are these!? I found these on our day trip and I knew exactly who to give them to. So if any old friends are reading this, surprise! Unless of course I decide to keep them for myself!

Check Fred&Friends out for more adorably ridiculous gift ideas!

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.- Anonymous

*pic from Fred&Friends

Ah... the memories...

Its amazing how the little things can take you back to a magical moment{s}. Yesterday Mr. Pony made a fabulous Herbes de Provence chicken with a scrumptious (and healthy) Provencal gratin, and looking at the chicken reminded me of last May. We spent a week in Paris, and even though that is leagues away from Provence, the chicken reminded me of the rotisserie chickens we'd buy on the streets and pull apart with butter-soaked fingers by the Seine. *le sigh* We spent a few moments reminiscing on the bemused smile of the shopkeeper as I clumsily asked for chicken and potatoes en francais- at least I was trying!- and on how much we wish we could get those potatoes, roasted in chicken juices, from the markets here in the U.S.Isn't it amazing how the simple things, without a mile being walked, can take you halfway across the world for at least a few minutes?

Not all those who wander are lost.- J.R.R. Tolkein

*all photos by me (or my roommate/travel-bud)

June 28, 2009

In which I enjoy myself thoroughly!

The town we currently live in while Mr. Pony is a completing his Masters (and possible PhD) program isn't a bad town- there are lots of restaurants, an active student community and a variety of shopping areas. But for Mr. P and I, something is missing. We like culture in the form of gourmet food, fine art and a thriving nightlife- all typically results of a more diverse population than we find here. Our answer to the frustration we sometimes feel at being almost cut off from some of the aspects of life we value most? Day trips!

From a farmer's market to Dim Sum to traditional Mexican food (on which we gorged), we had a wonderful time immersing ourselves in the culture of a city that seems a million miles from Central Nowhere, even though it is only about a 1.5 hour drive. Its amazing the diversity one can find in our area! We started out at the farmer's market, and Mr. P was drooling over all the home-grown goodies and we were limited only by what our stomachs could hold and our cooler could contain!

We wandered into several eclectic stores after that, working up an appetite to go eat dim sum- amazing! If you have never had the chance to experience this style of Asian dining, I suggest you Google the nearest restaurant go TODAY with a pack of your nearest and dearest!! The concept revolves around numerous carts that zoom from table to table. You point at what you want (one of everything, please), and you get a dish that will have 3-4 rolls or wrappers or... whatever... on it! You dole these out among your companions, chow down, then gleefully await the next cart of goodies. It is a fantastic way to taste new foods (though I don't recommend the chicken feet- just not my thing), and the larger the group you go with, the more things you try and the more fun you have!

After lunch we navigated our way to what may have been my favorite part of the day. The City boasts a marvelous botanical garden, complete with a Japanese Tea House & Garden. For $3 to park and no entry fee, we were treated to a meandering path through a wide array of greens and browns, with trickling streams wandering across our way and a glorious natural soundtrack provided by indigenous birds. Despite the blistering heat, all the water features cooled the garden down quite a bit, making for a very pleasant exploration. But what was the best part?

I got to take some awesome photos! Of course, I'm limited by the quality of my equipment- right now I'm playing around with the point-and-shoot we already own (a Fujifilm FinePix F30, if you are at all interested). It really is a fantastic little camera for your basic photography needs- I'd recommend it to anyone who isn't trying to be an amateur photographer. I'm practicing editing the pictures with GIMP, a free photo editing program, so let me know if you think I overdid anything in the editing of my photos in this post!

After a fantastic time at the gardens, we did a bit more shopping and went to gorge on traditional Mexican food- it was glorious. Of course, we'd been looking forward to seeing a bit of the nightlife, but... after all day in the sun and eating enough for 4 people, we were ready to call it a day. I guess we'll have to save up a bit and go for a weekend next time- then we can have our cake and eat it to (literally- I have a recommendation on where to get a fabulous chocolate cake, and we missed out this time!). I can definitely say that we'll be back to that city again in the next few months- so much to do and so few weekends to do it in!

You can fall in love at first sight with a place as well as a person. - Alec Waugh

*photo from Wiki Awe's Flickr photostream

all other photos by me

June 26, 2009

Happy Friday!

Yay for Friday! Yay for the weekend! Anyone doing anything interesting? Mr. P and I are planning a mini-vacay to enjoy ourselves this weekend. I hope you have splendiferous plans!

Find occasions to celebrate your happiness. There is more to celebrate than anniversaries and birthdays. -Amanda Bradley

*photo from bfick's Flickr photostream

June 23, 2009

Today I Love...

Bookit.com -Not because I've booked a vacation recently, but because it is fun to look at all the options and dream of vacations Mr. P and I will take as soon as we aren't poor from home-buying.

Not starting my week until Tuesday- Mr. P and I were in The Big City to see my aunt & uncle, visiting from Far Far Away, as well as to see Mr. P's parents, and we just took an extra day off. It was grand.

Gnome stuff- We just bought a lawn gnome. I loved the show David the Gnome as a child (and still even now;). I want this shirt.

Chocolate cake for breakfast- Mr. P's glorious choice for breakfast was chocolate cupcakes (sans frosting) for the week. *drool*

Gift cards- After dinner we went to Kohl's and used one of our wedding gifts (aka a gift card) to purchase... clothes for me. Yup, not exactly an 'us' purchase, but Mr. P insists he'll find something someday that he wants at Kohl's. Until then, my closet needs an update!

My pets- They are sometimes silly, sometimes inconvenient, and sometimes expensive, but when I get to cuddle up with my kitten or hug my ponies, they make it all worthwhile.

And for your viewing pleasure- here is a cat getting a bath!Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal. - Anonymous

*photo by me

June 19, 2009

One enchanted evening

A few nights ago, Mr. P and I wandered the campus of Central Nowhere University, and I took a few pictures to accommodate my fledgling hobby. Nothing spectacular, but they make me giggle. Happy weekend!!!

Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. -Ambrose Bierce

*all photos by moi

June 18, 2009

A bit of this and that

Food is a wonderful thing. Food is also in the top 5 of 'Why I married Mr. P' (I think general affection might have made the list as well). On Sunday he made me spicy sesame chicken with spicy crab rangoons (both Mr. P's recipes!). Delicious fried goodness *drool*. We ate beyond repletion, and it was glorious. I attempted to take some pictures of the food- bear with me, I'm new with a camera;)
To continue our Indo-China food week, on Tuesday night we had pork vendaloo, which was fantastic as well, though by that point I was getting ready to eat some potatoes instead of rice! Mr. P had never made an Indian dish before, and we both thought it turned out very well indeed. We've made the commitment that we'll try out at least one completely new recipe every week- we end up in a food rut if we don't, and since we love food so much, doing the same things over and over again is just not acceptable! The sesame chicken isn't a new recipe, but we haven't done it for several months, and the vendaloo was completely new, so it was nice to break up our routine again. You should try it- it makes for a much more satisfying meal time experience (changing things up that is, though the recipes made for a tasty meal as well!).

There is no sincerer love than the love of food. - George Bernard Shaw

*all photos by me

June 16, 2009

So... what now?

For the past year, I've been rather obsessed, in a non bride-zilla manner {I hope}, with our wedding (pictures forthcoming). Hours of planning, crafting and needless worrying culminated in a wonderful day- yes, there were hitches, but in the end it came out wonderfully. We said yes to each other, our friends and family were there, and then we got a kick-ass party afterwards for us all to celebrate together, and that was the point of the exercise! But now I find myself wondering where to focus my extra time... I've always been a planner- I planned our trip to Europe in 2008, I've planned multiple trips for my father, and then the wedding for 2009, and I've enjoyed all of it, but... There isn't anything else coming up.

My recently wide open free time indicates that it is time for me to find a new hobby {apparently there are sites to do this for you???}. I'd like to pick up a hobby that will help me live in the moment, rather than focus on events that are months away. I do have a fat pony languishing in the background who may need to be put back to work- nothing is more immediate than riding an overweight and probably cantankerous equine companion (nor is anything more immediate than hitting the dust when you and said equid part company after a few twisty leaps). However, being an equestrienne is an expensive hobby, so I'd like to find something that won't put Mr. P and I even deeper in the hole.
It just seems like I've reached a point where I need to add something new to my repertoire; a new trick for the 'old' dog, as it were. So Mr. P suggested photography, and I think I may give it a try. I always 'ooh' and 'aww' over the snazzy shots of others- why not add my own to the mix. Last weekend we had have a photo shoot with my equine brethren (color them unimpressed), and tomorrow Mr. P and I will wander the {moderately pretty} campus of Central Nowhere University to take faux artsy shots. Next up- learning how to use GIMP, PhotoShop, or some other pointlessly complex editing program. *shudder* Maybe I'll just get the picturing part of it down first!

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. - Buddha

*photo by me- I was in the Aran Islands, and the Irish people have fun with signs
**photo from Old Picture of the Day Blog- some really interesting shots!

June 13, 2009

Pony family picnic!!

Ok, so it was really just Mr. Pony and myself- the cat doesn't walk on a leash and those pesky city officials won't let me bring the horses in town for a dinner date, but oh well. Mr. Pony and I went to our favorite mini park (really, its less than 1/2 acre big, and most of that is pond) and had a dinner picnic, surrounded by the Quack Mafia.
Anywhere you walked, you could look to the side and this is what you'd see. Stalkers! But despite our avian attackers, Mr. Pony and I enjoyed a delicious, hot-dog filled repast, complete with two kinds of soda, jalapeno kettle chips and cucumbers- scrumptious!

Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath. - Michael Caine

*photos by me!

Meet the kids!

I got lucky- Mr. P realizes that he is not the #1 man in my life. That title is held by this little guy:
My parents bought Copper for me 11 years ago (May 15 at about 5pm, not that I kept track) and this fat little dude has seen me through many moments of teenage angst and genuine sadness, as well as quite a few good times. In recent years, he has been mostly a glorified pasture ornament, but I'm reading up and planning on restarting him on his course as dressageeventingponyextraordinaire! We'll see how that goes- Copper has other ideas, so we'll see who wins!

Of course, when they bought Copper for me as a 13th b-day present, they said 'How hard could it be?'. Famous last words!! Horses are like potato chips- you can't stop with just one! About 1.5 years later I purchased another horse-Lyric (Scottish Lyric, to use the fancy show name I made up for him) is a Saddlebred. For you other equine enthusiasts, no, I didn't stutter, he really is a Saddlebred. He has lots of bone, lots of scope, and he was a wonderful mover. Last March he developed VERY severe stringhalt and can no longer be ridden, but he still looks damn sexy and is such a well-mannered and sweet boy! We used to do eventing and dressage, and he kicked ass. Next time I go to purchase a competition horse, this fellow is the standard by which all those other horses will be measured. Is it a high bar? Yes. Hopefully some other horse will hit it!

Last but not least is or worthless, no-good furball of a kitten. Pepsi is a 14lb. Maine Coon cross who gets her way much too often and spends 3/4 of her life on her back waiting for a belly rub. Its a rough life, but some kitty has to do it!
Sometime in the near future (after we buy our house) we are planning to get a dog, but we don't know how that will go over with the queen of the roost (aka- the cat), and sometime in the next decade I'd like to get a new horse to compete with, but for now, this is the Pony brood about which you'll hear so much! Aren't they adorable?

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France

*all photos by Mr. Pony or the Mrs. Pony's parents

June 8, 2009

No home is complete without one!

Or at least, no home warming party. Seriously, how cool is this? What says 'Welcome to our new home' better than a watermelon full of liquor?

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra

*photo from Evite blog

Blissful repose

So I worked for 11.5 hours today- only about 1 hour of that was, in any way, sitting down. Plus I started running again (not tonight!) and I rode my pony again for the first time in a few months. All that combined= OUCH! So what is my prescription for a body full of ache?Equal parts fabulous chocolate lava cake and vanilla ice cream. Add spoon and a glass of milk, and relaxation is complete. Ahh... glorious self indulgence.

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. -J. R. R. Tolkien

*photo by Mr. P.
**For more recipes by the lava cake recipe's author, look here!

June 7, 2009


Who said comfortable shoes can't be darn cute, too? I'm on the prowl for comfortable flat sandals now that my favorite pair of $10 Wal-Mart kicks have given up the ghost. Of course, my taste in shoes has changed since I purchased those [2 years ago]- now I crave nicer shoes. Its really true that the nicer shoes make you feel so much better after a long day of wear. For work and walking-heavy travels, I swear by Privos by Clarks- that $80 price tag looks like a lot up front, but once you've been in them all day and your feet barely hurt, they are worth every penny! So now I'm drooling over these shoes, and any like them. Now I just need to convince Mr. P that buying $200 worth of shoes isn't ridiculous!Funny that a pair of really nice shoes makes us feel good in our heads — at the extreme opposite end of our bodies. -Levende Waters

*shoes, in order, Caroline by Born, Renny by Sofft and Un.Coast by Clarks Un.Structured

*pant* I may be a tad out of shape *wheez*

I was once very dedicated to working out- I'd run at least 3 times a week and 2+ times a week I'd go to a workout class with my trusty roommate or I'd do a workout video at home. Then I graduated. Once you start working and are in the real world, finding the time/inclination to work out can sometimes be difficult, as I've found. Well, following our nuptials, Mr. P and I have decided that we need to start exercising again. So of course, yesterday at 7pm I chose to go running and it nearly killed me. If I ever need to really do myself in, all I need do is go running at noon and the weather here in Central Nowhere will surely knock me out!

Physical fitness is a life long battle for those who adore chocolate, ice cream, sugar and anything deliciously sweet. So *tada* new goal! I'm hoping to get myself ready to run a 5K by the end of September of this year. That gives me close to 4 months to get my hiney in shape. My plan is to find a training schedule online that will help me work towards my new goal in a realistic manner- I already do 2.2 miles in about 21 minutes, but having a plan makes things run more smoothly!

I like having goals, and while this one may be a small thing, it gives me a sense of purpose that has been missing lately (not counting wedding related endeavors). Now will I keep up with this plan? I really hope so- I'm trying to find 5K runs in the area so that I can go ahead and sign up for one- if I've put money down, I'm enough of a tightwad to know that I will do it! Now I must move on to googling for area runs- huzzah!

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. - Japanese Proverb

*Photo from Forbidden Lies's flicker photo stream

June 6, 2009

Food, glorious food!!

Last May we spent 5 wonderful nights in Rome. Roma è molto bella! The apartment we rented was literally steps from one of the most fabulous farmer's markets I've ever been to (of course, any market in Rome is more magical than anything I have encountered in my American residences). Campo de Fiori (translated as 'field of flowers') provided a tapestry of home grown goods- darling penny-sized strawberries that burst into springtime on your tongue, a panalopy of citrus fruits and lush veggies of every variety. *sigh* When I think farmer's market, this is what I envision.

Of course, the reality in Central Nowhere is quite different. The market in the U.S. doesn't exactly encourage the presence of quality home grown goods in most corners of the country, which is turning into a travesty in my mind. I'm not advocating complete abandonment of modern farming techniques in favor of totally organic, home-grown production- that wouldn't be feasible. There are millions of people out there who can't afford the often increased price tag that goes with organically grown items, or even plain old small farm grown (though anymore, small farmers have to be organic to fit into a sales niche). For those people, the option of having a mass produced product may be the difference between them eating fresh veggies or canned sodium... I mean canned veggies.The issue is that for those of us, like Mr. P and myself, who'd like to purchase more flavorful and aromatic fruits, veggies and other assorted tasties, the choice just isn't there. We spent 10 minutes perusing the 'farmer's market' in our new hometown this weekend and it was... disappointing. 5 stands, and two of them sold tomatoes, 1 sold soap, and that was about it.

Its not that I think organic items are necessarily more healthy- there have been several reputable studies which found that commonly used production techniques are safe, and that isn't an argument I want to get into. It simply comes down to taste- the mass produced breeds of tomatoes, beans and other common vegetative matter we ingest have been bred to be hardier and lower maintenance, or they've been bred for specific size or color. None of these factors focus on what is, for the Pony family, the most important factor- taste. The goods we buy at a local farmer's market *daydreams of the Campo* evoke memories of sunshine and afternoon showers while also adding much greater depth to a meal (the meal below, for example, was a variety of freshly made and grown goods from vendors at Campo de Fiori).

So no, I'm not a raving hippie, but I do appreciate the finer things in life. For the Pony family, one of the finest things is delicious food, and I can't wait to move to an area with a more active community of small farmers who can provide us with the scrumptious ingredients we desire.

Or, barring that, we'll jump the American ship and move to Rome;).

A good meal soothes the soul as it regenerates the body. From the abundance of it flows a benign benevolence. -Frederick W. Hackwood

*photo from cuellar's flicker photostream
**photo from wenzday01's flicker photostream
***photos by me

June 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home!!

Mr. P and I, after just making one huge step together, have moved forward with yet another major life decision- home ownership! We are now under contract on a lovely 3 bedroom home- SO much more space than our apartment, and SOOOO much more attractive. Will it be pretty? Yes. Will I have fun making the space look like ours? Undoubtedly. Is the prospect of purchasing a home scary as hell? Well no shit. The economy may be turning back around, but there are still some troubles ahead, and its scary to think that we may be buying something that could end up being a major liability for us in a few years when we want to move, but at the same time, there are so many incentives for first time home buyers (thats us- yay!) right now that its almost too good to pass up. Keep your fingers crossed for us because we are doing this thing! Now lets just hope that closing goes well in a few weeks!

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. -Wayne Dyer

*photo from WCampos3's flicker photostream

June 3, 2009

We did it!

After quite a long time of planning, we finally tied the knot! I had a few near panic attacks leading up to the big day, but with the love and support of my friends and family, we pulled the day off without a hitch! The weather was gorgeous, everything was fantastic and we are married! We are looking forward to a wonderful life together (hopefully with more frequent blog posts). I'm waiting on more professional shots, but here is a teaser from our photographer. Yay!!!

Now join hands, and with your hands, your hearts. - William Shakespeare

*Photo by Haute Photo- Ket Quang


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