The internet is a great place for inspiration {obsession}, and last month I decided I HAD to have a Halloween tree for this year's holiday decor. Inspired by the DIY Show-Off's version {
here} and Martha Stewart's version {
here}, I made my own version of the Halloween tree. The most difficult part? Finding a stupid branch that would actually work for the project!

Ok, once the branch was procured from a nearby park, I got some glossy black spray paint and away we went. While the branch dried, I assembled the other items I needed- a vessel to hold the branch, some floral foam, felt (to cover the foam) and decorations. Hobby Lobby had lots of great decorations on sale right now, so the whole project cost less than $10!

I cut the floral foam to fit into my black cat container and wedged it in tightly to help balance the branch out, and then I cut a piece of orange felt to cover the felt (with an 'X' in the middle to push the branch through). Once it was in place, I made sure to tuck the edges of the felt in well and the base was finished.

My decorations were pretty simple- a string of screaming skulls, some black & orange globe ornaments and some bat, skeleton and black cat felt shapes. Oh yes, and a black crow, but who could do a Halloween tree without one?

I used a clear filament string to hang them from the branches.

That was Pepsi's favorite part- she was dreadfully (emphasis on dreadful) helpful at this point.
stringstringstringstringSTRING!!!!!! This may have resulted in some tangles, but I can neither confirm nor deny such an occurrence.

It was fairly simple, and other than having to wait for the rain to stop long enough to spray paint (and battling my feline assistant), the entire project really only took me about 30 minutes. This is a great project for kids, or for kids at heart, and Mr. Pony laughed with {at?} me because I was so pleased with the results! I hope you enjoy!

For other awesome DIY fall decor, stop over at the
DIY Show-Off!

'Tis the night - the night Of the grave's delight, And the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without The wild winds shout, But no, it is they - it is they. ~Arthur Cleveland Coxe*all photos by me:)