August 30, 2011

More vacation shots

{A Photo} Challenge

We didn't visit 'The Rock' until the last day of our trip, but it provided a cool backdrop for some photos!

I made the Mr. practice posing for me. I like the idea of getting better at portrait photography, but he normally makes goofy faces at me. Like that ---->

Anyway, other than trying to snap non-goofy shots of my love, I also focused on the ground.

Still Life Standouts

Then at the fruits of the earth.

Snap And Share
And brushed against the sky.

And it was good.

August 25, 2011

Streets and Beaches

I'm slowing sifting through all my shots from vacation (I filled up too many memory cards. Oops!), and I want to share some of the shots that caught my eye in the last 15 minutes. I threw them through a little post processing (adjusting levels, color conversions, etc), and I'm loving the vintage feel these show!

The sand was all over my shoes... my jeans... my face... but I wasn't all that upset. There were tons of pups running around having a great time, and these two were playing tag back and forth across the beach. What a great way to spend a day!

The Daily Wyatt

I love the life in this street scene. The two performers were really into their music, the people were having a great time watching them, and the street car was kind enough to give me a perfect photo op!

and then, she {snapped}

After editing this shot, I realized that black and white conversions can turn back the clock. You can't tell that we have tons of modern streetlight in the image, or that the cars were bright yellow taxis- you just see a dapper gentleman out for a stroll. Lovely.

Click It Up A Notch

August 24, 2011

Wee Bit of me!

{one} what's your guilty pleasure tv show?
True Blood. I know its campy, but I enjoy it!

{two} ear piercings on men: yes or no?
If it makes them look like pirates, sure!

{three} do you have dish or comcast?
Neither. We don't actually get TV- we just make do with Netflix and the interwebz.

{four} what's your favorite current fashion trend?
Flowy shirts and gladiator sandals.

{five} if you could learn to do anything, money not being an issue, what would it be?
How to take amazing portraits and wedding photos. You can't actually pay to learn this- some of it is just talent- but if I could buy the talent, I totally would. Also- more fancy camera stuff would be fun!

{six} red or white wine?
Really depends on the meal. If its just for sipping, white and sweet.

{seven} what type of food is your favorite (ex. italian, mexican, etc.)
Um... depends on the day! I love Mexican food, but there is so much to love in so many types of food!

{eight} hp or mac?
Anything but Mac. They confuse me and the mr. hates them, so where would my tech support be? Thats right, nowhere!

{nine} what color is your bedroom?
Medium brown. A nice neutral so it will be easy to resell!

{ten} what's your favorite form of exercise?
Horseback riding or nothing. No, really, I just don't like working out. I bike to work, otherwise I'd NEVER do it!

August 17, 2011


I've never been one of those people who constantly yearns for the beach. I'm just as happy with a peaceful spot under a spreading oak tree or the quiet babble of a wee brook.

But I do understand the appeal. And every once in a while, the urge to feel smooth wet sand under your feet and the rush of chilly water past your shins is undeniable.

Though to be honest, I didn't intend for the water to get quite this high on my legs... I carefully watched the waves, stepped forward to just where they were stopping... and then a 'huge' wave came in and my jeans were soaked. Oh well!

The Daily Wyatt

Oh, and here is my *slightly* better edit for the Good to Wow challenge. As I said, I loved the original shot, so mostly I just played around with color levels and saturation to get even more pop from the image. I hope you like it!

This is my original image.

August 15, 2011


I'm sure you noticed that I've been absent for a while.

*chirp chirp*

Ok, fine, maybe not. I promise, I'm not offended- summer is in full swing and I hope everyone has been enjoying the wonderful weather! I know we did when we were on vacation in... California!!

We spent a few days in San Francisco (and I would love to go back and see more of the city), a few in Big Sur and a couple days in Yosemite. So much variety, beauty, wonderful weather and color! I'll post high lights later, but for now I think I'll rejoin the photo meme parade, so sit back and enjoy!

The theme this week for the Good to Wow challenge is bright & colorful, and I think this shot meets that nicely. The filtered light of the Cali coast was perfect for photography, and the variety of growing bits on the coastal hills was breathtaking. I'm honestly going to have to work hard to make this image better- I love it!

Fortunately, the Quotography theme this week is also 'colorful', so I had a lot of options for this one as well!

Quotography at {My}Perspective

Yup, Big Sur really agrees with me. Seriously, many more images of this area to come!

August 1, 2011

August Photo Hunt Challenge

This month Kristi over at Photo Hunt Challenges wanted some help with creating a list of prompts. When she asked for volunteers, I jumped up and down waving wildly politely offered my services. The resultant list is mostly an accumulation of some favorite prompts and random words that popped into my mind. I hope you'll stop by and participate!!

Copper wants you to join as well!


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